Euro Star Group At a Glance
The group believes that the success of the construction industry in Iran is far from that of developed countries. It is natural that the relevant authorities are very concerned and are thinking of a solution in this regard. . So that various conferences and exhibitions and exhibitions in this regard are held annually in the country and abroad and also includes large costs. We believe that any technology that can not compete with its competitors in the market in terms of price, speed, quality, etc., which are described as superior advantages on the site, will not have long-term and sustainable success. The activity will go out, as in the last few years, monkeys have happened and various technologies have entered the housing production cycle and after a few mornings were eliminated at a loss. By presenting our technology, we have succeeded in obtaining all legal licenses of Iran and Europe and its localization, staffing and implementation of several pilot work and experimental production of technology (modular aluminum panels) and all its peripherals and elimination of all currency costs and finally price. We are finished and we have achieved a very good result, so that it has been almost 10 years in the housing competition market. We have endured.
The goal of Eurostar Group is mass production of technology and granting representation to all provinces of the country as well as abroad to attract foreign exchange capital, etc. Cost, speed and quality (unique structure without debris) Eurostar Group Successful experience It is that we hope that the relevant authorities and partners active in the construction industry, with their care, compassion and support, will support us for further development. Thank you very much for your visit.
Eurostar Group is proud to provide technical and operational facilities for investors, builders and ultimately consumers of buildings:
- The project will be completed within one financial year from the time the land is prepared to the delivery of the key (completion).
- The cost price for the investor is 30% lower than the price of the existing traditional and industrial method.
- The cost price for the consumer (final buyer) is 60% lower than the price of the traditional method, because it does not include the cost of market and investor inflation and price adjustment.
- After this, the building will be turned into a consumer product within a short period of time.
- By creating a culture in the use of small units, with the participation of the bank without the need to bring the applicant and only with bank facilities, the housing applicant can have housing without bringing liquidity. If we can justify and explain to the citizens the costs of repairing, maintaining and charging one unit on the one hand and saving energy, etc. on the other hand, they will be persuaded to be satisfied with a smaller unit.
- The structure is made of 100% reinforced concrete, continuous and without debris, for the safety of the family and the consumer in using the structure obtained from Eurostar Group technology, against earthquakes, which is one of our unique honors in dear Iran, almost all of which It is located on a fault and is unique and necessary.
- The useful life of the structure according to international standards is 150 years and above, which is a kind of investment for the next generations and investment in the construction industry becomes a national capital.
- Legalization for investors and housing builders and their use of the new industrial method of Eurostar technology.
- Housing the young generations and encouraging them to form a warm, dynamic and growing family is one of the perspectives and hopes and aspirations of the group. Bamid that day !!! God willing

Engineer Ali Nekounam
CEO and Chairman of the Board

Dr. Matin Nekounam
Vice Chairman and Board Member

Engineer Mehdi Nekounam
Shareholder and member of the board of directors

Engineer Morteza Nekounam
Shareholder and member of the board of directors

Engineer Mohaddeseh Nekounam
Shareholder and member of the board of directors

Lina Nekounam